Experts Recommend Top 7 Vaccines for Filipino Adults
It is a common misconception that vaccinations are only for kids and babies. But in fact, as adults with responsibilities, getting vaccine shots is an even more important factor in taking care of one’s health — and best of all, it’s hassle free and takes little effort, compared to missing out on special milestones and work. The Philippine Foundatiofo
Vaccination (PFV) and the Philippine Society foMicrobiology and Infectious Diseases recommend the following vaccines for  Filipino adults:
1. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Though most cases of HPV go undetected and go away on their own, there are
special strains which may develop into genital warts or cervical cancer.
Recommended for: females 9-55 years old, men 10-26 years old
Number of shots: three doses
2. Tetanus, Diptheria Acellular Pertussis (Tt, Td, Tdap)
This three-in-one vaccine has been developed to prevent several serious
diseases from spreading in the body, and even to future children of pregnant
Recommended for: adults, pregnant women, people 60 years old and above
Number of shots: three dones
3. Influenza
What starts out as a suspected common cold may actually be the flu, which

affects the body’s functions, specially with the respiratory system. This disease is

ikewise contagious in nature, which makes it risky for people who live in the
same household or who share items between one another.
Recommended for: all adults
Number of shots: one dose per year
4. Hepatitis A
Considered as a highly infectious liver infection which may lead to liver failure,
Hepa A is transmitted through consumption of contaminated food or water, or
through fecal-oral contact.
Recommended for: everyone
Number of shots: two doses